Tag Archives: food to feed the body

Tuna Macaroni Summer Salad

Tuna Macaroni Salad

My mom made this for us every summer for a cold lunch, dinner, snack that wouldn’t overheat the kitchen and would keep for days.  It’s the sort of thing that is a typical 1970’s magazine recipe laden with cheese and mayonnaise and canned tuna (quelle horreur!) but that I want to eat every summer. Continue reading

Bandwagon Buttermilk Blackberry Cake

Blackberry Buttermilk Cake, baked

Between gourmet magazine having a buttermilk raspberry cake, Smitten Kitchen having a version of the cake, Yahaira making the cake, it seems everyone and their mama is making this cake.

Blackberries, ahoy!

So I decided to hop on the bandwagon too.  I was going to do a post about an awesome lemon cake made with rosemary-infused olive oil (seriously! It was good!), but my camera battery was dead and I didn’t have any pictures of the cake before I brought it to the barbeque.  So I’ll do that bad boy later when I can make it and take pictures. Continue reading

Meyer lemon buttermilk layer cake

Cake cooling

I’ve discussed my passion for lemon cake before.  If not on the blog, which I’ve got to admit I’m too lazy to check, probably in person.  On my birthday, I’ve baked my own lemon cake from box mixes for years, with homemade lemon icing.  Imagine my delight to find a guy whose favorite cake was also lemon cake with lemon icing…  

2 lemons, 4 states

At first, it was whichever cake mix was on sale at the grocery store, then when the foe protein gluten was eliminated from my kitchen, I used the ‘Cause You’re Special (which as a company name? Sigh…) lemon cake mix which was really good.  But I wanted to make a homemade cake.  So I went to Laura’s hibernating food blog to get a starting place.  Because she’s awesome. Continue reading

English Muffins for breakfast

Buttered English Muffins
I love English muffins.  Love them love them love them.  Without gluten in my kitchen, I have a heck of a time trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast that’s not garbage, 97% sugar, and not leftovers from the night before (which I will eat for lunch, more often than not. Who wants to eat the same food for three consecutive meals? Yes, a real first world problem, I realize).

Gluten free brown sugar coffee cake

It’s recipe time again! If I were a good blogger, I’d also have photos. But I’m not. So it goes. Continue reading

Chicken Encarada Rascapole


My new plan is this: post a chicken enchilada casserole recipe every month.

It’s not really a new plan. It’s apparently what I’ve decided to do. My friend Droolie gave me her recipe and I liberated it from gluten. Aunt Droolie’s nephew used to have a hard time pronouncing Chicken Enchilada Casserole and called it Chicken Encarada Rascapole, so who am I to argue?

Also? Full disclosure, I haven’t made this yet, so let me know how you like it. :) Continue reading